In search of the address P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney? Well, we don't know if you'll have much luck finding it, but what we do know is that you'll have an easy time getting there with our cheap flights to Sydney.
22 hours, 50 minutes. Please note that this is subject to change based on the airline, route, and airport you have chosen for your journey.
Australia's national currency is the Australian dollar (AUD). It comes in $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100 notes.
Average daily temperatures in Sydney range from 11 to 23°C (51.8 to 73.4°F).
Sydney's hottest month is January, with an average temperature as high as 80°F.
The cool season lasts for over two months, from May 29 to August 22, with an average temperature of 65°F.
Before you browse through our flights to Sydney, you should apply for and obtain a visa
Travellers entering Sydney do not need to provide evidence of vaccination.
Having travel insurance is always a good idea. It's the best way to secure yourself from possible disruptions during your trip. For example, if your flight to Sydney gets delayed or you have to return home in the event of an emergency,
ATMs are almost always a better choice than money exchange services since you can get your cash with just a small international transaction fee (usually a few quarters).