Singapore Travel: Quarantine-free travel to 9 more countries, including the UK and US

Singapore Travel: Quarantine-free travel to 9 more countries, including the UK and US

Amid the tight Singapore travel restrictions to tackle the pandemic, the nation will allow those fully vaccinated against Covid-19 without quarantine in the coming weeks.

Travellers from nine more countries, including the UK, will be able to enter Singapore under the VTL (Vaccinated Travel Lanes) system.

This announcement marks a significant step in Singapore’s strategy to reopen international travel.

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said it was time to drive on with the “strategy of living with Covid-19”.

Even though the Delta variant of the coronavirus is not yet eradicated, the vaccinations, social distancing measures, and thorough monitoring will make it possible to live with the new normal,” said the Prime Minister.

With the experience and confidence gained from the VTL for Brunei Darussalam and Germany last month, they will also extend the VTL system to vaccinated travellers who could travel safely, quarantine-free without contributing to a spike in cases when visiting Singapore.

In a statement, the Prime Minister also said that expanding the arrangement with countries with stable numbers of coronavirus cases would “keep us connected to global supply chains and help preserve Singapore’s hub status”. 

From the 13th of October, the government announced it would allow vaccinated travellers from the UK, US, Canada, Denmark, France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, and South Korea from November.

Groups of two vaccinated people will be allowed to dine in restaurants and shop in malls. 

However, according to Singapore travel restrictions, short-term visitors and long-term pass holders must apply for a Vaccinated Travel Pass to enter Singapore under the VTL scheme.

All travellers entering Singapore under the VTL will have to comply with a series of requirements effective from the 19th of October.

  • VTL travellers must have remained in one or more of the VTL countries in the last 14 consecutive days before Singapore departure.
  • Overseas VTL travellers will have to test negative in their pre-departure, on-arrival PCR tests. They will have to isolate in Singapore until their on-arrival test is confirmed to be negative.
  • Fully vaccinated travellers must have proof of it and be vaccinated in a country under the VTL system.
  • Travellers entering under the VTL scheme will also have to take designated VTL flights into Singapore. 
  • Before visiting Singapore, travellers must also purchase travel insurance, with a minimum coverage of $30,000 for Covid-19-related medical treatment and hospitalisation costs. 
Stay Safe - Travel Rules
Sabina Juriansz
Sabina Juriansz

Hey there! I am Sabina, a Wanderer, Wonderer & Dreamer, in the middle of an endless love affair with travelling. A passion for world cultures, languages, food, sandy beaches, nature & wildlife. Ever since I have started writing for Travel Center UK, each day has never been the same, because I get to share my excitement for exploring the horizons with people who adores travelling as much as I do. So, read on about my travels and experiences, & I will guide you about the best places to visit, and tips on travel do's & don'ts.

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